Through Thick and Thin

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thursday, May 31, 2012

HAPPY NATIONAL CANCER SURVIVOR'S DAY!  Until the support group Tuesday night I had no idea such a thing existed. How totally awesome is that?!!! I do believe for hundreds of thousands of people across America it is a true cause to celebrate! I would love to encourage those of you who know someone battling cancer to pick up the phone, send a text, shoot an email or stop by and simply give them a hug.  They may be recently treated or may be cancer free for years. Whatever the case they are a survivor!!!

It's been eight weeks since my surgery, don't know where the time has gone. I am still getting text messages from friends and family checking in as well as cards in the mail. So many have apologized for their well wishes coming later. They have no idea how much I appreciate them!!! The cancer journey lasts for many months, for some it never really ends. Not sure about anyone else but for me it seems that some of the days following diagnosis and treatment are the more difficult ones. I am certain I'm still trying to absorb it all.

As I've mentioned before my diagnosis and surgery might actually have been the easier parts of my journey. Weighing reconstruction as well as working through this with my husband have certainly seemed the biggest road blocks for me thus far. I ordered a book titled Breast Cancer Husband How To Help Your Wife (And Yourself) Through Diagnosis, Treatment, And Beyond by Marc Silver. The author is a breast cancer husband who's wife is presently cancer free. He has been there and done that and is brutally honest as he covers all aspects of diagnosis and treatment.

My intent was to get it for Brad, however curiosity killed the cat and I had to read it first. That was actually a good thing. Reading it helped confirm that the things I think he is experiencing/feeling are totally normal and that my perceptions and frustrations regarding them are also totally normal. I have tried to talk to him about or help prepare him for some of the things I know to expect.  I'm no expert in this area and I certainly don't know where life is going to lead us from day to day. However my small amount of psych background along with experiences I have through nursing have certainly better helped prepare me for some of struggles we are up against. I'm not sure sharing those thoughts has helped Brad much. Hopefully he will get the time to sit down for a good read very soon.

Since today is a celebration of life, be it one more day or hundreds of more days, it just seems appropriate to also share this video. It doesn't have to be cancer that cuts our lives short, it can be a heart attack or a car accident. Remembering to smell the roses and and slow down the dash can be therapeutic for all of us!

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