Through Thick and Thin

Friday, May 11, 2012

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Third doctor appointment this week is behind me. Drainage still significant so seeing the doctor again on  Monday. Brad did join me and the surgeon spoke with us for quite awhile. He said although he feels I am still a little on the fence, he feels I am very justified especially in light of this current infection to be skeptical of reconstructing. He again explained that at the present we are back to not being on any time frame for a decision and that although all this drainage/infection is very frustrating it is a minor setback. He is very frustrated that he can't resolve it. I added  I do understand that because if I were needing chemo the infection would be holding up that whole process and be a juggling act. Again so much to be thankful for! When I am finally past all of this I will get to actually wear my prostheses for a long period of time and have a better opinion on how I feel and look with it. Although I've had it I have only worn it about a week due to drains being in the way.

I finally made it to a golf match for Brody and it was his best one yet!  Was so glad for him!!!  At the end we moms were talking and yet another local woman has been diagnosed with  breast cancer. One of them said, "Is it like a breast cancer epidemic around here or what?"  It's so creepy, that is five women I know here locally that have been diagnosed in the last five months. Two of them were not fortunate enough to catch it early and are going to have very long roads ahead. I keep all of them in my prayers as I know that although we women share a lot we each have our own internal struggles with all of this. I would encourage anyone going through it to TALK to someone who will listen. It is a great healing tool!

Some interesting info from the National Cancer Institute ( I have posted some but here are a few I didn't cover)

-Outside of skin cancer breast cancer is the most common type among US women. Each year over 192,000 are diagnoses. That is staggering!
-Breast cancer affects approximately 2,000 US men each year.
-Women having radiation therapies to the chest before age 30 have increased risk
-Women who never had children are at an increased risk
-Dense breasts puts you at increased risk
-Being overweight and inactive are risk factors

Most show no symptoms with breast cancer but below are some warning signs:
-Lump, nodule, thickening anywhere in the breast or underarm (don't forget to feel under both arms!)
-Change in size or shape of breast
-Dimples or puckers
-Nipple turning inward
-Discharge from the nipple, in particular blood
-Scaly, red, or swollen skin on the breast, nipple, or areola (dark area around the nipple)
*** Many breast cancers are actually found by a significant other!

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