Through Thick and Thin

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sunday, May 13

Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there! It was a gorgeous weekend here which translated into lots of lawn work accomplished. Brad and I normally work side by side on yard projects but I've had to lay low. About all I got to do was to supervise and throw small brush on the fire, but at least I felt useful! Crossing so much off the graduation to-do list significantly decreased my stress level about the open house being a month away.

Had another episode of waking in the middle of the night. Love my Chicken Soup book during these times. Found some good stuff to share.

"It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult undertaking which more than anything else, will determine it's outcome."    William James

"Attitude is everything in the recovery of cancer. You gotta have a 'tude if you expect to take a licking and come back ticking.  Tumor humor is not warm and friendly; it's scrappy and sometimes nasty and tasteless, a sort of chemotherapy for the spirit-necessary but (not always) nice."       Robert Lipsyte

My family started the day at church.  It was a full house and even the choir loft was packed! Father offers the Sacrament of the Sick once a month and there was a line of us waiting. A man with multiple sclerosis and his wife who had had surgery, a young man whose appendix had acted up and landed him in the hospital, a grade school student who suffered whiplash when her bus blew a tire, and two of us with breast cancer. That makes three from our tiny church dealing with breast cancer right now. Unfortunately this gal is struggling. I don't really know her other than her name, but I took a moment to speak to her and her husband afterwards letting them know I was praying for her and offered that if she needed someone to talk to that she could call me anytime. They both thanked me and we struck up some small talk. Bless her heart she looked so frail and weak. Seeing that brings a sense of guilt to me. I know it shouldn't but it does :(
As Sister Sue Tracy said so well, "I believe God has bestowed a special mission to be present and supportive of fellow travelers on the cancer journey. So midst the ups, and downs and in-betweens, I feel richly blessed."  I think I resemble that statement!

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