Through Thick and Thin

Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday, May 21, 2012

It's been a full week since the last drain was pulled and fluid was aspirated. Unfortunately he aspirated the right side again today and I'm 7 weeks post-op. Good grief!  He said he wasn't real impressed with the left side as it's still swollen and he feels probably does have some scar tissue already. I'm to try Motrin to relieve the pressure I feel especially when lying on my left side He anticipates that if I were to reconstruct that the right side would do better than the left since it has had infection. He released me to return to work but I still have to be careful with my arms. No water sports for 6 weeks and see him in a month unless fluid accumulates again. He said that he will aspirate but of course again is worried about so many pin pricks being a potential for infection. Just crazy that this stuff will not either reabsorb on it's own or simply quit being produced. My body always keeps my doctors hopping so not much surprises me anymore.

So far it's going well wearing my bra. I feel it looks very close to the "old me" and the only real issue is that I can't wear anything too low cut or you can see where my bra sits and my chest is sunken. Due to the extra skin left behind I do still have just a slight bit of raised tissue in the middle of my chest but it rapidly caves in. I do have some discomfort at times from that swollen tissue on the left as the bra exerts pressure but it's not bad.  I can't wait for the other bras to come in as I have to strategically plan when I can wash this one so it's dry in time for the next wearing (needs to hang to dry of course). Hopefully that will be this week.

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