Through Thick and Thin

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Sunday, April 8, 2012

I love it when Easter comes later in the spring.  Our weather this year has been off the charts-several 80 degree days, ornamental trees already blossomed and now leafed out, spring flowers in full bloom, and no rain on Easter Sunday! I can't imagine if I were recovering from this surgery in the dead of winter and knowing I had chemo and radiation in my future. As I told Kinsey Friday, this beautiful weather makes life so much easier!

Today was a long day. We were up early for church so we would for sure have a seat.  I struggled with what to wear as I really don't have anything very appropriate just yet. Kinsey gave me some of her Columbia fleece jackets that zip up the front. Those are perfect because there is an inner pocket that can hold my drains should both of my cammies be dirty at the same time plus they are nice and warm. I was able to wear a camisole and then a nice shirt with the jacket over the top. Not as dressy as I'd like but it worked. I thought it smart to take just one pain pill before church as we are Catholic so the up and down Jane Fonda workout we get at Mass was going to be the most activity I'd had yet. Well that was a good idea for pain control, not so good considering it was standing room only. As we began to be sardined in (I'm sure the fire marshal would have had a cow!) it began to heat up. Between the temperature and the whoosy effect of the pain pill I wasn't sure I was going to make it without passing out. Father kept it quick and in 45 minutes we were headed home. Brad made brunch and it was straight to bed for me. I got up for awhile, took a brief walk in the yard and visited with a neighbor then it was back to bed.

About 4:30 we headed to my sister's for a delicious Easter dinner. I did muster up the energy yesterday to make a strawberry pie. My brother smoked a turkey, my sis made homemade dressing and sides and we all carried in sides. It was delicious. Grandma Betty was able to join us. At 94 she is doing quite well and it was good to have her. Think it made her feel better being able to see me since surgery. She assured me she had prayed many rosaries. So much to be thankful for-Grandma still able to join us, Dad and Dianne neither in good health being there, me 5 days post-op, and then the rest of the usual gang. Unfortunately my fatigue continued and I was the biggest party pooper. We stayed just a couple of hours then I found my way back to the lazy boy at home. Do think this is the most tired I have been since surgery. It was off to bed early again but a Happy Easter was had by all.

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