Through Thick and Thin

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Tuesday, February 21, 2012
The call came in scheduling my MRI for tomorrow. Great!  The surgeon had assured us that by reapeating these things we wouldn't lose more than a week. No huge urgency getting surgery scheduled but doctors understand how stressful the waiting period is.

After much deliberation as well as networking with all my nurse friends I was absolutely certain I would not agree to a repeat biopsy and that I wanted a second opinion. If memory served me correct, every time you mess with the area in question there is an increased chance of spreading those cancer cells. So I began my research and confirmed that to be true, in particular with ductal carcinoma.  The information is very clear that the surgeon needs to be very precise if the lumpectomy route is chosen.  For now Brad and I could deal with repeating all but the biopsy itself. We are trying to keep an open mind and hear the info presented. Then we will have to decide if we agree or disagree.

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